Thursday, February 21, 2013

Amazing Grace

Every time I watch Amazing Grace, I love it more.

Living a life of meaning and purpose is not always easy. Its not steady. At times, inspiration surges through your gut and you feel as though you have found your calling. And then, frustrations, disappointments, and heartbreak conspire to cloud the purpose that caused you to chose this path.  Purposeful living forces you to face the roughness and rawness of the side of life that we like to pretend doesn't exist. In the movie, John Newton challenges William Wilberforce to plunge into the fight against slavery. But he also gives him a sound warning: "You won't come away from those streets clean, Wilbur. You'll get filthy with it, you'll dream it, see it in broad daylight." Sometimes I get tired of that part. Many times in the deep part of my heart I just want to run away and live in a cabin in the woods. But watching Amazing Grace with my students, I was hit with the inspiring part of purposeful living once again. Although purposeful living is not confined by location or occupation,  it forces you to connect with the brokenness of your own soul, and the brokenness of those around you. "You won't come away from those streets clean." You won't come away un-shattered, unchanged. You won't come away naive and full of pious platitudes. As some people like to say, you will be "ruined for the ordinary." Wilberforce's story just reminds me that it's worth it.

Dedicated to my China-comrade, sidekick, pal, chum, and forever friend: Christine Malarich


  1. LOVE that quote...LOVE you, sista! Looking forward to reading your thoughts! Does Gallagher know about this blog? He'd be leaping for joy! (It could lead to a book, by-golly!) ;-)

  2. P.S. The blog lead-photo is incredible. Where did you find it? Moreau's archives? :)

    1. Hahah, thanks Amy. I guess I'll let Dr. G know. Actually, the photo is one I took in Tianjin. It was the coolest artwork on an outside door on Culture Street. Love ya!

  3. haha, Teeny, is this you? I shows up as "me" and I'm assuming it means "you." hahah... love u
