Sunday, June 2, 2013

Savoring, Cherishing, Remembering

"Just give me a little more time!
I want to love the things
as no one has thought to love them,
until they're worthy of you and real."
---Rainer Maria Rilke

"Because simply to be here is so much
and because what is here seems to need us,
this vanishing world that concerns us strangely---
us, the most vanishing of all. Once
for each, only once. Once and no more.
And we too: just once. Never again. But 
to have lived even once,
to have been of Earth---that cannot be taken from us."
---Rainer Maria Rilke

1 comment:

  1. Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous! God's face and glory shining all over yours and on your girls!
    Really beautiful picture Sarah! Precious
