Sunday, March 3, 2013

Books I Can't Seem to Finish

Angle of Repose by Wallace Stegner  (fiction)
One of the top five books I have ever read is Stegner’s “Crossing to Safety,” but so far none of his other books have had the same effect on me. While "Crossing to Safety" is acknowledged as a trulygreat book, "Angle of Repose" won the Pulitzer. So far I cannot really get into it. I would love for someone who has read it to inspire me to finish it, or tell me it’s ok to give up. J

The Life of Pi by Yan Martel  (fiction)
This book won so many great reviews that I thought I would love it. But I kept waiting for the story to grab me and it never did, so I gave up. I think I probably did not read far enough. The movie was quite popular here in China, so I feel like I should either read the book first or just give up and watch the movie. I would be glad for anyone’s advice. If you convince me to read the book, that would be fine, too!

The Gate of Heavenly Peace by Jonathan Spence (nonfiction/history)
I know Spence is “the man” when it comes to writing about China but this book intimidates me! I do want to finish it someday, but I am wondering if any of you Spence readers would have any other recommendations for books that I should read before this tome? J

Jayber Crow by Wendell Berry (fiction)
I heard that this book was amazing, and it seemed well thought of at Wheaton, so I bought it. Even the ticket collector on the Chicago suburb Metra had heard of it! Although Berry is a good writer, the book has not given me a reason to continue plowing through its slowness. I am fine with slow books (“Death Comes for the Archbishop” is one example of a very slow, but profound book) if they grab me with profound-ness and great writing. This book has the good writing part, but the profound-ness seems lacking, and the author has not made me connect with the characters in a way that would keep me going (as McDermott does in her slow tales of families). I just read Berry’s "Hannah Coulter", and LOVED it, so magic has come from this writer’s pen! But so far "Jayber Crow" is a very long drawn out self-account of a man wandering back to the town he grew up in. I know more is to come, but I am not compelled to find out. If any of you "Jayber Crow" fans have some thoughts to share, I would be glad to hear them! 


  1. I might try watching the movie of Life of Pi and then see if you can finish the books. Sometimes watching the movies wants me to read the books more. Or even skim until you get to an interesting part that hooks you for the rest of the story. :)

    Otherwise, I give you permission to quit reading books you don't want to finish. Sometimes I have read I book I really disliked for various reasons, but I had to know what happened. So I read the last chapter and then move on with my life. If the last chapter surprises me, I will try to work through the parts I skipped.

    1. Hahah, thanks! Sometimes I need permission to thoroughly dismiss a book :-)

  2. As I read this entry, I kept thinking, YOU SHOULD READ HANNAH COULTER!!, then I got to the part where you loved the book. Bravo!

    So, I think I would then recommend Remembering or That Distant Land or perhaps A World Lost, all by Berry. I've been listening to then in audiobook on my way to and from the ELIC office. Maybe you could get them in Kindle or Nook form there?


  3. So glad to find another person who loved the book Hannah Coulter! Thanks so much for the other Berry recommends. I will definitely check them out!
